I have been admiring Kate Bingaman-Burt´s blog Obsessive Consumption for a few months now. She started taking pictures of all her purchases in the year 2002 and then posted hand drawn images of them on her blog. She also sells daily drawing magagzines and other stuff at Etsy. I can´t wait to get the first magazines I ordered. I think Kate really had a wonderful idea with this and inspired by her I decided to start a daily project too.
10 years ago is supposed to give you a fun and interesting insight into history. On a daily basis I want to post a quick (and certainly not perfect) illustration of an interesting event which happened on the same date but some years ago. I had actually planned to do this with the help of the Chronik 2008 Harenberg Kalender. The calender shows exactly what I had planned for this blog. Every day a historic event is listed on a page with interesting quotes, famous birthdays, pictures, etc.
Unfortunately the calender is out of print and all 3 of my orders online have been cancelled (another one is still pending). The past days I have been searching through all the bookstores of Munich to get a copy of it. So far no luck! For January 1 I found a scan of the calender page on some website. So I´ll be searching for the events by myself until I (hopefully) receive my copy of the calendar.
The illustrations will all be done in my Moleskine 2008 Daily Planner. I´m off to get started!
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